Step 1
Copy this link and paste in ur browser to Download PingFu UDP 3-days trial software
Step 2
install d software
Step 3
Lunch your internet connection using d following settings
Username: internet
Password: internet
Step 4
> Launch PingFu UDP software, click i accept the EULA, in d next dialog box, click 'lets start'.
> Below d software window, you'll see the client status (this shows d present action of the software) it displays 'testing settings'in yellow color, just allow it 4 a while until it turns red and displays 'test failed!'. click ok in the message box to continue.
> On d Network setting tab, click the 'configure manually' button, and select 'i am behind a proxy server' located at the top, then enter d following;
Port: 80
Proxy user: internet
Proxy Password: internet
> Click d 'apply changes' button below d other settings tab, click ok to continue
>>> Note that d client status turns yellow again displaying 'testing settings', after some few seconds, it should then show 'test successful' in green. If not, pls check ur settings thoroughly(or instead of clicking apply changes click auto detect settings, after test successful change it to am behind a proxy server).
> After that, Click the 'Register' button, in d dialog box, enter any username & password of ur chioce and your existing email address and then click the 'setup account in PingFU' button.
>>> Here, requires some little patience cos it takes a while for the client software to directly log and register ur username & password in the PingFU's server database system.
> At d left panel of the PingFU UDP client software, there is d 'Status Monitor' button 2 display d connection and activity status and the 'Application Launcher' which displays all installed and supported applications that can be used with PingFU UDP.
> you can configure ur browser manully using the following configurations
Port: 2020